Will we ever touch again?

Six feet away.

“Will we ever hug again?” is the question of the day. As we creep out of our seclusions, will the bright light of the sun maybe do away with the guy who put us there?

Are we touch deprived?

Will it be different now for friends who formerly met each other with a hug? For strangers who began a greeting with a handshake? Or even for that anonymous shopper in the store whose shoulder you used to touch briefly in order to pass by?

Will people continue to avert their eyes from each other in an effort to keep distance? Will their lips tense just the tiniest of bits as someone walks toward them with a smile?

When the masks come off…and they will…will we approach the world with invisible gloves still on?

Here’s what I think, as I muse on a bench six feet away from anyone else.

Yes. Most of us will come to hug or offer our hand in greeting again, despite the warnings. We may just do it a little differently.

Now we know about long distance communication. We picked up the phone and called old friends. We zoomed into family reunions, office meetings and support groups.

We learned the power of a “Like”. We shared intimate details of our lives with the world…such as the type of pyjamas we wear or the true color of our hair.

We shared our fears, our disdain, our loves…without leaving the house. We laughed out loud with others thousands of miles away.

We did touch each other.

Down the street, out there in the bright sun, I see people gathering again. Music booms from car speakers. Could it be the sidewalk looks almost crowded by comparison? It appears the distances are shrinking.

I hope we don’t forget the ways we learned to touch each other when we were six feet away. I would miss that closeness.



(As far as I know, the park bench above is a widely shared, photo-shopped piece of fun. Credit unknown.)

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