Tag Archives: skateboard bench

The Eyes have it…

So, this is a bench that should make you look. And make you smile…all the way to your eyes.

Doesn’t matter whether it’s very comfortable. Or whether you get that it’s made of skateboards (slightly used and bent, maybe).

Or that maybe you can’t make out all the words or understand the languages displayed on the bench.

It’s going to make you smile.

And let’s say someone else walks by and looks at this bench and smiles at you. Or laughs. Or shrugs.

You don’t have to understand that person’s language. Or why they smiled at you. Or even what they are thinking. The eyes have it.

Long before socially accepted manners said you shouldn’t stare at someone…or social media allowed you to converse without looking at the other person…we were talking with our eyes.

So try a little bench talk with your eyes today. It makes a world of a difference in the world.

That’s my bench advice for the day (she says, eyes smiling.)

