(1953 Photo of the New York Chiefs)
Time for another quick derby question to test your knowledge of the sport.
How did roller derby begin? Pick one:
A. Roller derby is a sport invented by the roller rinks in the 1950’s to increase business.
B. The medical community in the 1940’s recommended that girls skate together in a controlled environment to burn off excess energy in a genteel manner.
C. Roller derby began in the 1930’s as a spin-off of the popular dance marathons.
D. All of the above.
Drum roll, please, my dear.
The answer is C.
Skating marathons grew out of the American craze for dance marathons. In 1933 Leo Seltzer of Chicago devised a marathon on wheels whereby men and women skated around a rink for up to 12 hours. By 1940 derby had become a contact sport with co-ed teams and a set of rules, a kind of traveling show across the US.
The sport of roller derby had its ups and downs (so to speak) and was somewhat dormant until 2000, when a group of women in Austin, TX brought modern day roller derby back to life. Derby today features teams across the world and its own World Cup competition.
Now you know, just in case someone asks.
Skate On!