Time for another roller derby quick quiz….
Roller derby is global. Almost 2,000 official leagues in over 50 countries.
So, in which country is roller derby most popular?:
- United States of America
- Finland
- New Zealand
- Japan.
The answer may surprise you, my dear.
This information below thanks to The Frogmouth Blog
“The United States, where roller derby started, has the most roller derby leagues;…
BUT the United States is not where roller derby is most popular. The U.S. has 848 leagues for its population of 322 million, or 2.6 leagues per million people. But New Zealand has 29 roller derby leagues for its population of fewer than 5 million— 6.3 leagues for every million people. By this measure, roller derby is more popular in New Zealand than in any other nation in the world, followed by Australia (4.9 leagues per million people), and Canada (4.6 leagues per million people.)”
The answer is #2 – New Zealand!
“Roller derby is more popular in New Zealand than in any other nation in the world.”
“The U.S. comes seventh behind Finland, Iceland, and Sweden. And many other countries play too. For example, France has 116 leagues, Argentina has 65, Spain has 33, and roller derby is also played in non-western nations including Latvia, Lebanon, South Africa, and Japan. This is remarkable, not only because roller derby is such a young sport, but also because the United States has had so little success exporting its other sports around the world. America’s two most popular sports, American football and baseball, are played in very few countries, with only basketball having any real international presence. This is yet another way in which roller derby is exceptional.”
So now you know next time someone asks.